When Death comes Knocking, Pamela Lawson and Lekev Spivey

Michael Days
In season seven of Fatal Attraction, When Death comes Knocking , is the story of the killing of Michael Days by Pamela Lawson . The love story between Michael Days and Pamela Lawson is compelling and tragic. Upon meeting Spivey, she conspired and killed Michael instead of just leaving.  Of the murder, the state said, "Pamela Lawson and Lekev Spivey showed a brazen disregard for human life. Instead of breaking up with her boyfriend, Lawson chose to have him killed". Her motive was not made clear. To their credit, they both plead guilty.

The show is described as the future is full of promise for lovers Michael Days and Pamela Lawson, then Michael is murdered right in front of Pamela in their own home.

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You can write to Pamela Lawson at:

Pamela Lawson
Pamela Lawson W092604
Ohio Reformatory for Women
1479 Collins Avenue
Marysville, Ohio 43040

You can email Pamela using Jpay - you will need to select Ohio and use the ID W092604

Lekev Spivey
You can write to Lekev Spivey, at:

Lekev Spivey, A671641
Mansfield Correctional Institution
P.O. Box 788
Mansfield, Ohio 44901

You can email Lekev using Jpay - you will need to select Ohio and use the ID A671641

Take Away

Obviously, Michael Days is dead and Pamela Lawson is serving 33 years to life but there's more to learn. Be aware of who you are dealing with before bringing someone fully into your life. If you value yourself, you will not accept just anyone into your home and life. Michael failed to do this and sadly, paid with his life. Hindsight is always much clearer then the moment, he didn't deserve to die, but he misjudged her character terribly.


 Diamond Candles


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