Raging Revenge, Shawn Davis and Tawanna Barnes-Copeland

Tawanna Barnes-Copeland
In season two, Raging Revenge is about the murder of Tawanna Barnes-Copeland by Shawn Davis in the state of DC. The love story of Shawn Davis and Tawanna Barnes-Copeland does not end well for Tawanna Barnes-Copeland.

According to Homicide watch, Shawn knew our family. He know how close we were,” she said. “This is horrific.” Her words broken by sobs. Sledge’s daughter, Tawanna Barnes-Copeland, was brutally stabbed to death early in the morning of Dec. 7, 2010. She had injured her leg at work the night before and was placed in a cast and sent home. She called her ex-boyfriend, Shawn Davis, to help her fill a prescription for pain medication.

Shawn Davis was sentenced to 18 years.

Shawn Davis
This episode is described as Tawanna Barnes-Copeland seemed to have it all, three beautiful daughters and a new romance, then a murder turned it upside down.

You can write to Shawn Davis at:

Shawn T Davis, 18675-097
FCI Sheridan
P.O. BOX 5000

You can email Shawn using Jpay - you will need to select District of Columbia and use the ID  18675-097

Take Away

While Tawanna Barnes-Copeland is dead, and Shawn Davis is serving 18 years, there are lessons here for anyone willing to it a thought. Know your worth - if you do, you will never accept subpar treatment from a loved one.

Can't get enough true crime? Consider US Serial Killers for your viewing needs.


  1. Why are the murderer's address available for crazy people to write them? Not much of a prison if they have lovelorn letters sent to them as their victims were forced into a dirt nap. That isn't justice.

    1. I was wondering the same! Why??

    2. This killer will get letters that will give him comfort and make him feel good. I'm not sure that's a good idea. In fact, I think it's disrespectful to the deceased.


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