Jarring Jealousy, Kevin Souffrant and Shadae Taylor Brooks

Shadae Taylor Brooks
In season three, episode 19, we see Jarring Jealousy, the true story of the murder of Shadae Taylor Brooks by Kevin Souffrant . and the love story of Kevin Souffrant and Shanna Taylor Brooks which doesn't end well for Shanna Taylor Brooks.She was beaten, sexually assaulted, strangled, and shot twice by him in a fit of jealousy.

This show is described as a vision of happily ever after is crushed.

Kevin Souffrant was sentenced to Life plus 22 years without parole and is not eligible for release. He has appealed and been denied. He still maintains he is innocent.

You can write to Kevin Souffrant at:

Kevin Souffrant
Kevin Souffrant LQ4474
SCI Huntingdon
1120 Pike Street
Huntingdon, PA 16652

You can email Kevin using Jpay - you will need to select Pennsylvania and use the ID  LQ4474

Take Away

Black women face a particularly high risk of being killed at the hands of a man. A 2015 Violence Policy Center study finds that Black women were two and a half times more likely to be murdered by men than their White counterparts. More than nine in ten Black female victims knew their killers. Women need to start taking action on domestic violence.

Can't get enough true crime? Consider US Serial Killers for your viewing needs.


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