Grave Secrets, DeCarlo Rayshaun Bennett and Sherri Jackson

Sherri Jackson
In season seven of Fatal Attraction, Grave Secrets , is the story of the killing of Sherri Jackson by DeCarlo Rayshaun Bennett . The love story between DeCarlo Rayshaun Bennett and Sherri Jackson is compelling and tragic.

The show is described as Sherri Jackson doesn't show up for work one day causing her family to panic; for over a year, friends, family and police search for the young woman; when investigators finally find her, they also uncover a disturbing tale of passion turned deadly.

You can write to DeCarlo Rayshaun Bennett at:

DeCarlo Rayshaun Bennett #0873031
Orange Correctional Center
PO Box 1149
Hillsborough, NC 27278

You can email DeCarlo using Jpay - you will need to select North Carolina and use the 0873031

Take Away

Obviously, Sherri Jackson is dead and DeCarlo Rayshaun Bennett is serving but there's more to learn. IF you avoid committing crimes because you don't want to go to jail, don't accept that behavior from your partner since they will take you down with them or, in this case worse.

Diamond Candles


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