Deadly Trio, Devonne Wilkerson and Malik Wilkerson

Sheryl Outerbridge
On season four of Fatal Attraction, Deadly Trio is the true story of the murder of Sheryl Outerbridge by Devonne Wilkerson and the love story of Malik Wilkerson and Devonne Wilkerson. This story ends badly for Sheryl Outerbridge.

Devonne Wilkerson was sentenced to 20 years, with the possibility of parole on 01/19/31.
wilkerson, outerbridge couple

The show is described as Sheryl is found shot to death, shocking her closest friends; revelations of Sheryl's secret love life. The three were in a poly amorous relationship until things went dreadfully wrong and Sheryl ended up dead.  They didn't simply kill Sheryl but in fact tortured and beat her for hours before her death. It was both brutal and appalling act. The reason for the murder was that Sheryl had gotten a tattoo of their pet name for Malik.

Devonne was sentenced to twenty years for kidnapping. At her sentencing, she said, "Ultimately God is my judge, but I understand I have to pay for my crime. I want to apologize to my family and the family of the deceased".  Both Wilkersons plead guilty to second-degree kidnapping.

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You can write to Devonne Wilkerson at:

Devonne Wilkerson
Devonne Wilkerson 14G0547
Bedford Hills
247 Harris Road
Bedford Hills, New York 10507-2400

You can email Devonne using Jpay - you will need to select New York and use the ID  14G0547

You can write to Malik Wikerson at:

Malik Wilkerson 15A3427 
Auburn Correctional Facility
P.O. Box 618
Auburn, New York 13024-9000

You can email Malik using Jpay - you will need to select New York and use the ID 15A3427 


Relationships between two people are hard enough. Adding more people to the mix just increases the difficulty without necessarily increasing the benefits for all parties involved. Probably not the best idea.


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