Prisoner of Love Jason Page and Denetria Council

Denetria Council and Jason Paige wee a couple though not much is online about the nature or length of their relationship. According to Fatal Attraction, he was much older and outgoing than she was. The crime came to the attention of the police when Jason publicly chocked Denetria outside of her mother's apartment building. Her injuries are noticed and she is rushed to the hospital. In the hospital, she was drifting in and out of consciousness with her injuries turning life threatening. When police arrived at the home they had shared for a year, they found a horrific torture chamber where Denetria was abused. On the show, he is depicted as showing typical love bombing behavior. At one point, the victim, a long time victim of Paige, denied he was the one who injured her. He had taken her hostage for two weeks beating her on a regular basis in the home he shared with his daughter and niece. Jason had used his cousin to contact Denetria and convince her that he loved her and t...